September 25, 2023
Delta Marriot Downtown Hotel, Saskatoon, SK
8:00 AM
Conference Rates as follows:
All conference registrations include 1 ticket to the banquet and meals. All registration fees are subject to GST.
2 Day Full Conference Member | $575.00 |
1 Day Full Conference Member | $350.00 |
Speaker/Volunteer Rate | $460.00 |
2 Day Student Rate | $80.00 |
Extra Banquet Ticket | $100.00 |
Non-Member 2 Day Conference | $650.00 |
Non-Member 1 Day Conference | $400.00 |
Reserve Your Hotel Today!
We have secured a conference rate of $199 at the Delta, follow this link to secure your spot!
Go to the SPPI website for more information on sponsors and program!